Sunday, February 24, 2013

meeting destiny!

Days come with different flavors, sweet days, bitter days and sour days but some days have no taste, infact no taste can describe them or I have no word to describe them in my limited multilingual vocabulary.
In my 30 things to do before I reach 30 quest, Hesitatingly but hopefully I added "to see nala" to my list. Nala was my destiny, I never knew at that day, but nala was my destiny.
The funny thing about destiny is the element of 'unexpectedness', predicating destiny is like putting a drop of water in the ocean and trying to extract the same drop  again! The reason its called destiny is because its destined to happen no matter what we want, do or believe. its unavoidable.
Nala was my unavoidable, The stingy feeling of expecting to finally taste spending a moment with Nala, the hanging tongue just like a puppy , the bounding heart and racing pulse, the churning stomach and flying butterflies, the disoriented mind and nervousness, the mixture of excitement and expectation. Those moments felt like centuries, I am not blessed with strong memory and with my short attention span I don't have the capacity to store beautiful and life turning events in my neurons, but that moments was one , it is and will be a moment that I will never forget....
Me standing there, with suspicions of vanity, do I look good? should I tuck in my shirt or leave it hanging? what hand should I take the rose with? is this dress really appropriate? how do I smell? coupled with caring and worry , is she fine? did she had any kind of trouble during her trip? Made my blood boil and sweat drain down my forehead.
I don't remember whether I was standing or sitting but I clearly recall that my eyes were glued upon the "arrivals" gateway , I sharply glanced at every person turning from that corridor, disappointed , its not her, its not her and again its not her. an hour passed I was in that state, but my stress level was off the charts.
Destiny is unexpected, in one unexpected moment She turned, Nala walked calmly like a proud she-camel, she walked alternating her legs with pretentious confidence, I can feel it, She is brave, She is a nala , A lioness, but I can feel the stress in her eyes, I could sense her heart, lovingly fearful. I walked towards her, pretending to be all cool, but my legs were heavy, I barely moved them, She walked, I murmured few pleasantries that I don't even understand but she responded. She responded with the sweetest words that a human tongue ever spoken. Nala once told me Maneno mema hutowa nyoka pangoni.Pleasent words will draw the snake from its hole..  She drove the stress out of my body in an instance, She was nala the Same nala, but more shy, more pretty and more sweet. 

I fell in love all over again, it tasted , smelled and felt real because it was was not cyber anymore, it was the real thing. She was standing there...The most beautiful of the XX species standing in-front of me. Right now I could see her, I could sense her, I could touch her!

Oh Allah! Save us from the Balwo.

The advent of "Balwo" Musical style was met with disdain by the contemporary religious and cultural figures of the time. one of th...