Friday, December 21, 2012

Sheekooyin Qadhiidh ah

Fool iyo Bilays
Taladii baa ku cadaatay, dhulkii baa cidhiidhi ku noqday, meel uu u cararo ayuu garan laayahay, magaalkana wuu ku cusub yahay, oday ciroole ah oo ka ag dhawaa oo tusbax sitay ayuu naxariis iyo gargaar ka dayay oo ku yidhi “Adeer, xarunta booliska ee inoogu dhaw waa halkee?” Odaygii :”Adeer horey u soco ilaa 5 daqiiqo, laakiin maxaa dhacay adeer?” Ninkii oo neeftuuraya ayaa yidhi “Xaaskaygii baa foolanaysa!”

Cod xumaa oo wacanaa
Iyada oo heesaysa oo marti sharafka madadaalinaysa ayaa laba gabdhood oo hoos fadhiyay lahaayeen “Gabadhu cod xumaa maxaa fanka galiyay?” Way maqashay wayna isku naxday , mar qudha inta dhidid waawayn wajiga ka soo daatay ayay dhulka isu tuurtay, “fanaanadu  way suuxdaye ha la qabto” ayay labadii gabdhood la soo boodeen, iyada oo la sii sido ayay hadana yidhaahdeen “Eesh calaa fanaanad, Caawa party-gii waa inaga xumaaday hadii ay ka tagtay! Shidh.” ….Fanaanadii way dhoola-caddaysay..!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Most beautiful Moments....

The most beautiful moments in your life;
* When you live in peoples hearts without any cheat or deception..

* When you resist the Devil, and return to the Creator, knocking his door and he approves your repentance..

* When all around you understand what you want, so they lend a hand..

* When you supplicate to ALLAH, and your eyes like a river of tears, with a heart longing to see him..

* When you hear the crying of your first child, then you take him in your arms and give him all the safety and love..

* When you gloom for the meaningless years of your age, then you start the real work..
* When you get up in the morning and find that all the yesterday’s sins were erased.. 

I have read it on an email and I liked it...I might add.

*When you earn something you worked very hard for. You reap what you saw. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A man's period!

Humans despite their gender are of the same chromosomes and genes , at the end of the day all of us are posterity of Adam & Hawa. Our body physiology is somewhat similar, our cells follow the same constitution known as the "Homeostasis".
From this extremely basic and superficial explanation its safe to infer that men should menstruate just like females and as I have postulated they also do, not by bleeding and abdominal cramps but by periodic spells of transient depression and feeling of nothingness.

Prolonged menstruation is pathological and always requires medical workup same goes for this periodic spells of males. A prolonged male period requires further analysis and management.

feeling of inadequacy, of weakness, of tardiness. Being in the midst of an antagonizing waves of drawbacks , you look up to the horizon and the waves seem limitless, you summon help and no one answers, you appeal for mercy but it goes in vain and the waves come bigger and mightier. that is my description of this periodic spells.

HOPE is the only medicine here, giving up on Hope is detrimental and devastating...HOPE will save the day, Dreaming is the mother of Hope, Keep dreaming to have hope and keep hoping for better to survive..its a divine promise to Never give up on Allah's Mercy...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

30 things to do before I turn 30

Things to do before I turn 30 years old INSHALAH ----All selfish and personal---With no specific order....once I write one thing, I will never delete it , therefor I will be careful picking up things because I need to fixate to on them.

1)Keep posting on this blog.
2)Have a big beard
3)Graduate from Medical school.(Inshalah in Few months, Inshalah)
4)At least be in medical residency program Inshalah
5)Learn Quran by heart Inshalah (last shot, after 30 I can't)
6)Tour all neighboring East African Countries (Simple yet hard)
7)Get rid of my beautiful tummy (Needs commitment)
8)Abandon FB! (I am addicted to FB, I just need to stop logging in)
9)Fall in love in Medicine ( I need to)
10)Kiss my DAD and Mom.!
11)Go to gym for a full month (Phew!)
12)buy an iPhone/Samsung galaxy albeit I don't know the differnce (People have been talking about it a lot)

13)Try Lobster! (Yuck!)
14)Learn a new language.
15)Go on a week of Khuruuj. 
16)See NALA .
16) Updating........................................................

Nabad iyo Caano! (Peace and Milk) --Part 1--

Bandhiga Asbuuca - “Duullaan” - Asle Niniile, Golol Art Gallery 1983 |

Bandhiga Asbuuca - “Duullaan” - Asle Niniile, Golol Art Gallery 1983 (

Somali people never knew peace in their short history, One can never Imagine Somalis without war, it was their  ritual, Thus men were divided to Wadaad "Man of Religion" and Waranle "Man of war". Wadaads "Men of Religion" were part of what Somalis called Bir-ma-gaydo "included women, children etc". Waranle's had a code to never put down your spears and be prepared "Hubka dhulka ha dhigin"  in Fact Waran in somali means "Spear" hence waranle "The one with spear".  

Peace for Somalis was a luxurious word along with Milk, rarely you get both. to have full stomach and sleep with peace was heaven on earth. thus Somalis pray for each other by saying "Nabad iyo Caano", Peace and milk. During times of prosperity old grudges resurface and lust for bloodshed is apparent on the red eyes of a nomad. 

Men no matter what and where unless bound by some form of intellectual or moral code are stomach-minded "Calooshii la ciyaar" . If the mind is not nourished and allowed to develop and grow in a healthy way, stomach takes over. For the Somali waranle stomach is the cerebral cortex and the only code of ethics he follows is that of manhood "Raganimo" . 

Animals are stomach-minded, they live to eat and kill to live "law of jungle". Humans as the almighty intended should be superior and think further, think of  what lies beyond, raise  questions why? How? what? etc and get involved in the eschatology and after-life destiny. A purposeful human is the one that only eats to live. A human have emotions and feelings. Feelings and emotions are different from the basic instincts possessed  by animals such as protecting progeny and lust for mating. 

Waranle is an animal that can speak, decide, give and take orders. To a Waranle spilling human blood is like spilling a chalice of milk- sometimes even milk is more valuable!. the sanctity of human life is a concept the stomach can't understand. The idea is not that Waranle is a barbaric savage but he is not far from it. 

In an arid and harsh climate combined with the scarce friends and abundant foes, there was no place for softness in the Somali peninsula. quoting a well known Somali poet will convey the message.
Meeshaad lix ku joogtaan dagaal laabta ka ogaada.
Hadii luqunta la idin jaro, Lugaha meermeersha.

Comrades! If your numbers amount to six, be prepared for a raid.
If the enemy cuts your throats, keep kicking with your legs!

Focusing on Somali literature is enough to infer the warrior culture that somalis inherited from their ancestors!.

Midho aan Jaleecay.

Onkod roobku ma daayo
Anna taaha ma daayo
Anna taa ma ilaawo
Jacayl ood rogan maayo.
Ifkaa la isu tudhaayee
Iilka la isma gar gargaroo
Aboor la iskama baajee
Nabsi hayga amaahan
Axdigii na dhex yiiliyo
Ha iloobin aqoontii.
~Onkod, Abdi Tahliil

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I let you go.....May you be better , find better.....

The Euphoria of being in love is addictive and magically rare, the aroma of love is more captivating than a freshly picked frankincense from the mountains of punt, the halo of love is innocent yet dangerously treacherous.

The most bedazzling character of love that always touched me in a special way will be the ultimate and limitless sacrifices we always come up with...A man like me, gossiped by many to be selfish - albeit judged wrongly because of my aloof personality - can go off limits for love. Time, money, energy and even one's own soul is sacrificed in an instant, hence martyrdom for love is commonly encountered in anecdotes of love. 

according to my own personal experience the utmost form of sacrifice is the ability to fight off our selfish desires and decide to let go of a beloved for their own good. Once you see sorrow and sadness due to impending struggle in the eyes of your beloved and you realize that letting them go and letting them be is the only cure, then there is no running from it.

Although difficult hurting and sad, although letting go is similar to suicide , you see your beloved and you know they are out there, they love you back but you will never have them is just worse than suicide. finally  what matters is the happiness of that other person because loving someone is not only about having them (that is lust) but its about thinking about them and wishing them happiness no matter what, with us or without us, after all their happiness is our happiness too ...what matters is that they know we loved them and we will always, we may put it in a chamber in our heart but their love will never ever fade or cease to exist because love because love is not a mere 4 alphabet word its a whole world experienced by a lucky few ^_^ ......The END of the most beautiful Chapter..... "may be not"  I mutter.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Midho aan odorosay......Qaybtii 1aad

Suugaantu waxa ay leedahay Jaadad badan, badiyaa hal-abuurka waxa loo adeegsadaa in lagu bandhigo dareen ka soo burqanaya qofka alifaya oo uu rabo in uu is dhaafiyo amase uu dadka tuso amaba   ku hadlo uun oo xoogay nafisaad ah dareemo.

Suugaanta Soomaalida waxa qayb wayn ka ah "Heesaha". Heesaha waxa ku ladhan laxan iyo muusik, cod halaasi ahina waa ku luuqeeyaa. Dhalinyartu heesaha waa xiiseeyaan oo qofba meel baa ka xiiseeyaa.
Anigu waxaan ahay dadka qiimayn gaar ah siiya midhaha heesaha kolkolna sida bini-aadamka oo dhan muusikada ayaan xoogay madaxa la lulaa.

Muddo ayaan waxa aan ururinayay midhaha ku jira heesaha ee si gaar ah ii soo jiitay....qormadani waa taxane aan ku soo qori doono midhaha aan soo xushay una bixiyay Midho aan odorsay.

Lahashada naftaydiyo
Caqligaa lagdamayoo.
Leexadan i sidatee
Maankayga labaysaa 
~Laalays (hibo nuura) 
Waligii nin liitiya
Jacaylkuu wadeecaa
Taladiisa wiiqaa
Waxyeelaa kuu gaadhee
waxyeelaa ku gaadhoo

Jacayl wali ma leeyahay?
Waan-Waan Ma leeyahay?
Waanada ma Qaataa?
Ma wanaajiyaa ruux?
*Waan kuu Warramayaa (Qalinle) 
 Allahayaw nin jeeb madhan
Ka janjeedho xaajadu
Caawimaada jecelaa
~Nin Jeeb madhan (Digfeer)
Dulqaad baan kaa rabaa
Dadaal anigaa hayee
Alla deeqdana baxshee
Aduu daacad ii ahaw

Roobka soo Qaw law Qadhqadhay
Qaawanaantayduu arkaa
ee qudhayda Xageen dhigaa
Hidii oo hidii oo hidii dii oo hidii

Sida ruux la dhalaybaan
Kuu dhooddhooliyaayoo
Dhabta kugu hayaayoon
Dhibta kaa ilaashaa

~Dhakhtar baysu keen qoray (Maxamed Burco)
Axdi jaba abaal luma
kaa eegi maaye
igadh iyo maqaarkeed 
inagoo ahaanaan 
ku adkeeyay heestee
Marti goor xun socotada
adiga oon gasiin hayn
geeluna imraanayn 
iyo gaabanaw adhi!
Anigoo qab weynoo
Quudhsada haweenkaa
Qoraxyahay gudaysaa
Maankayga qaadee

Weelkaagu hadaanu buuxin
Waxsaarku ku qaban ogaa
weedhaadu itaal yaraa
walalakaa kolay ku tahay
waydiintu waydaysanaa
waxhayntu mar fiicanaa

Cakuye caku
Cakuye naag madaw
cidlaa ka roon
 markaad wada jirkeenii
iyo weheshi diidaan
ana kali wareegoo
wasiisi baan ku maqanahe

~inaan wali ku jecelahay (gacayte) 

Oh Allah! Save us from the Balwo.

The advent of "Balwo" Musical style was met with disdain by the contemporary religious and cultural figures of the time. one of th...