Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Seasoning!...A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor

Well its  the dawn of 2014 and I am in unexpected, mind-boggling and faraway place from its belated sister 2013. The tides of life have thrown me ashore, to a completely new life, my titles (prefix and suffix) are completely changed. Last year this time I was Mr. Adnan the single Medical student who lives in Jordan and now I am Dr. Adnan the Married (to extraordinarily good Nala) doctor who lives in England. None of these changes were certain nor in my wildest expectations, yet life has mysterious ways and as I always reiterate "Aadamaw waxaad maagantahay adiyo maankaagu iyo meel ilaahay ku marin kala mid weeyaane".
2013 was a year of sweet-sweet-bitter taste. Marked by the joining of new dear person, parting of another, finishing a university degree known to me as "Mashruucii Faanoole that finished" and leaving a place to a new place and many others unforgettable events.

This is Chapter 3 of my life I Call it "Seasoning"!. First chapter was "Growing" which compromised physical growth and a little but significant per ration amount of mental,spiritual and emotional growth.The complete credit of this stage goes to my wonderful parents whom without their constant caring, love, guidance and role modelling I would have taken a different path in life.
 Second chapter was called  "Experiencing" not to be confused with experience!, this stage was marked by leaving the nest and flying as a new fledgling experiencing what is out there alone, without guidance from the people who care most about you, but with our own uninterrupted decisions. It starts from silly things like deciding to stay late at night outside or even spend the whole night outside (without consequences) to life altering decisions like choosing whom do you marry. Its in this stage life starts to unfold, with it drops of wisdom starts to fall on us but on the expense of a thunderous multitude of dear life experiences.

The Seasoning stage as I foresee would be my first encounter with real life, real challenges, a test of my responsibility bearing capabilities, a test of my caring, a test of my man-steel! .. 2014 will be my starting point but also there are many other years to come. May the Omnipotent be my side and guide me to the righteous path.
A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor, seasoned sailors should live through the horrors of the ocean, the dark  nights, the unrelenting fear of sinking into the abyss of the ocean, the storms that hit swiftly and most painfully the emotional void and worry about the loved ones back at land.True, I might be scared I have no other option but to ride the tides to the other side of the ocean and traverse all the challenges pleasant or not.patience ,perseverance, enthusiasm and optimism will be my sahay (cannot recall English counterpart) naive they might sound but they really are.

Me Oh My, How the Time Does fly.........

Oh Allah! Save us from the Balwo.

The advent of "Balwo" Musical style was met with disdain by the contemporary religious and cultural figures of the time. one of th...