Sunday, September 20, 2020

Why is Life expectancy Shorter in Somalia? a purely non-scientific rant.


15 centuries ago an Arabic poet named Tarafa, unaware of his impending demise ( a comical situation where he had to deliver his own assassination order) said about death and mortality in pre-Islamic Arabia;

أرى الموت لا يرعي على ذي قرابة

وان كان في الدنيا عزيزا بمقعد

I see death impartial to whom it befalls

Even if they are revered by a throne!

He reflected the reality of the time, the upper echelons of society and penniless bedouins had the same life expectancy. lack of healthcare generally was the great equalizer. in the 21st century that doesn't hold true anymore.

Every evening, I am shocked by the death of a relative, acquaintance, family friend, and occasionally a dear friend or a family member. most are either middle-aged or even young adults. half the posts in my High-school Facebook group are condolences to departed companions.  We only graduated in the mid-2000s and yet so many  perished by "sudden" illness.

Life expectancy in Somalia is one of the worst in the world, the difference between us and countries at the top of the list is almost 3 decades!. Many attribute our low life expectancy to ongoing violence, however, the expectancy is the same whether you live in Mogadishu or Hargeisa!. so there must be a variable that is similar across the board.

The good news is -if you think of it as good- if you survive childhood and few infections your chances are decent until you are in middle age and get your first heart attack, pneumonia or simply any medical emergency.

here is a practical scenario:

a 30-year-old man in Gaalkacayo steps on a nail, he goes to the local MHC (medical health centre) where he is looked after by a Healthcare assistant, the nail is pulled out and wound tended to but no mention of tetanus vaccine. a while later he develops severe tetanus as he was not previously vaccinated. he is brought in to the local hospital and an astute doctor gets the diagnosis of tetanus right!. However, there is nothing he can do about it in Gaalkacayo hospital. it's a death sentence!! even if he hails from a wealthy local family and they can get him to Mogadishu or Hargeisa in a private ambulance pronto, there is nothing they can do either. the best chance is in either Nairobi or Addis Ababa but he wouldn't make the journey.

Some of you in the west probably never heard of tetanus before but it kills few thousand young people and children in Somalia every year, with vaccination this number could be brought down to tens and good healthcare for the afflicted would bring down this number to a handful!

This is only one of many diseases that plagues our country.

this is why our life expectancy is low, poor infrastructure, lack of healthcare, lack of education, meagre economical capabilities, and  instability.

The equalizer in pre-Islamic Arabia is now the great unqualizer.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Somaliland and Taiwan relations; Crouching camel, infuriated Dragon!


photo courtsey of DALL-E

This month Somaliland opened a diplomatic office in Taiwan. it's not the first time Somaliland established some sort of quasi-official diplomatic relationship with another state, we have seen this in Ethiopia, UAE, and even some western countries such as the UK and the US.

although I am not cognizant of the particulars of this relationship with Taiwan, whether its diplomatic office or simply a trading post, it's no secret that this clearly has made one of the world's superpowers rather irate!. CHINA(obligatory trump China GIF)

Many Somalilanders perceive this as a serendipitous event that might invigorate the noble cause of "ictiraaf" or at least open a new economic gateway. However, others like myself are sceptical or rather optimistically concerned about China's fury!. This could put Somaliland on China's naughty boy list, something I would rather avoid runtii.

Late in august this year, China sent a mission to Somaliland with the promise of closer cooperation but I am not sure what transpired between Muuse Biixi and the Chinese. Could this be a negotiating tactic to secure a closer "partnership" with the Chinese? or simply the doings of "waanu dudnay ee hana loo sasabo" because of unfruitful negotiations in the past? My feeling is that it's probably a myopic and poorly thought-through move by our reigning president supreme Biixi and his band of inexperienced entourage!. or is it a 4D chess to kill the Somaliland dream!

TLDR; Somaliland's crouching camel policy might infuriate the Chinese dragon. or is it simply *"*Jiirna waa ka naf, bisadna waa ka ciyaar".


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