Homeostasis is the normal functioning of the human body systems which are built on inert mechanisms and any problem or up-normality that arises in it would be a pathological condition. Homeostasis is the way Allah made our body to function.
Homeostasis involve the control of our body temperature, fluids, plasma composition and concentration, Breathing and respiration, Hormonal communication, Neural and muscular signaling, Metabolism & many other mechanisms that take place in our perfect body in order to make it function properly.
Now let me give a glimpse of what do I mean by Homeostasis as a promising successful way of life. Allah said in the quran “[95:4] We created human being in the best design” . so it is duty to us the humans to know our body and use it as a basis of life and I am sure we won’t regret as we did with many other laws except the righteous Islamic shari’a which it’s self cherishes the human body, because no body knows us more than our Creator Allah (caza wa jal). In another way Allah tells us that anything that harms the human body will thus harm the whole community around that person. For example Islamic shari’a bans Alcohol, in medicine we do not recommend alcohol in another terms Doctors ban Alcohol because of its many effects to the body leading to many diseases and complicating others. Well known disorders of the human body that are caused by the Alcohol include Liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, some cancers and the list never ends.
Another example is smoking which is banned by the Islamic Shari’a, also it is medically banned because it is the main- if not- the only cause of lung cancer.
So you - the reader - can conclude that everything that harms our body will harm the whole society and you can see that alcohol and smoking are despised by the society and any person who practices those bad habits is not socially welcomed by those who do not consume such body destroying habits.
It is unfortunate that I have no space for a large discussion of this matter but let me just give some another examples of it.
Imagine our body as a functioning system or a country (take it as a metaphor) the citizens or individuals of this country are the the different cells in our body, nervous system as the government of this country and Homeostasis as the rules and regulation the citizens should abide by not only that but also as the constitution of the country that monitors governments activities. any breach or malfunctioning of one sector of this system can lead to disastrous results to the whole parts and individuals of this system.
From here we can qoute a Hadith by our beloved propher Mohamed (Peace and prayers be upon him) "The Mu'umins "Real believers" are like the human body that if one part of it is sick all the other parts would suffer with it by fever and insomnia"
From here you could understand how even the Rasul (scw) used this metaphor to demonstrate how interrelated a society could be. There can be times our body doesn’t cooperate but those are all pathological the least example is chronic insensitivity disease which is actually a rare and disastrous because our body will not neither report nor cooperate to solve a problem for example a break in the bone or a burning in the skin. So you can see how pain is very important in a society, feeling pain of our brothers problems is part of our duty not only that but to help him cope with that problem as our body does a demonstrating example would be increasing circulation during exercise or cardiac malfunction that is to compensate and deliver nutrients especially oxygen to the cells.
Individually homeostasis can be applied., take individuals as the cells in our body. Our cells abide by the rules of Homeostasis and sometimes they violate those rules but with a jurisdiction for example during a cut in a skin some of our cells switch to another regulation called coagulation in order to stop bleeding, but when the crises (bleeding here) ends it reverts to its normal regulation which was homeostasis, a good example will be martial law ( laws during war) in which individuals are acquired to do things that were not allowed before, In Islam there is War prayer which is quite different than normal prayer which cannot be performed by the army in war.
Now if an individual goes against that rules set by the shari’a or law it will be disastrous not only to himself but those around him and finally the whole community, Good example is cancer which a group of cells who violated every rule of homeostasis and finally will make the whole organism collapse unless removed and the remaining ones destroyed.
In the conclusion of my short discussion I want to say "If there is something perfect it would be the physiology "Homeostasis" of the human body"
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