Justice is blind they say!.
This is the problem with Justice. Being Blind.
Anyone could assume the role of a Judge, obeying and implementing arbitrary rules and regulations. However, in real life, where the rest of us mortals dwell nothing is black and white and rules don't cover every scenario and situation. This is where you need Miss Justice to take off her blindfold and look into the situation at hand.
This is all Nabad iyo Caano (good and dandy) if good old Miss Justice was impartial, unbiased and completely fair.
But nothing is fair in life generally, particularly in love and war!.
As fallible beings, it's difficult to completely eliminate our impeded prejudice and bias. We can try, but in the end, we will surrender to them. Can we truly be objective, particularly in emotionally-driven disputes?. I for one doubt it.
Then, what is the remedy?
We have tried other solutions, Such as getting a band of "peers" we call Jury but that doesn't eliminate the inherent problem of prejudice, yet it adds a new one, selection bias. Getting a band of random untrained observers also risks decisions being completely based on emotion "gut feeling" rather than real objective truth.
We could get a band of "experts" or Guurti (Supreme court etc) to help but this also brings its own of problems. who appoints such "experts" . American Supreme court judges has been on the news a lot of late! as a testament to this problem.
Finally, this brings me back to the first point. Justice being blind is supposed to remove human shortcomings and emotion, a robot can do this better. so why not get one..
Well, Robots are made by humans and algorithmic bias in building the AI is a dangerous thing too. Recently an AI designed to read Xrays was able to identify Ethnicity from Xrays of any part of the body although, allegedly, it was not designed to do so (Read here).
So, What is the solution....
Waa su'aal , da' waynoo, madaxa daalinaysee.
- Xasan Sheekh Muumin.
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