Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rumblings in a cold night (ama lug hay ama lag hay)

It’s freezing and cold
It’s the season of the mold
It’s the winter that I scold.

I am hibernating and on hold
 I might even be bold
but never able to say behold
and take this piece of gold
as a token for my eternal love

I wish if I could hug
Another being I can tug
To my bed and then we snug.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Golden decade of 20s.... Where Hubris started!

The zenith of a human is in  the 20s.... The decade to remember and cherish; physically one feels he is mightier than a raging bull, mentally the capabilities are limitless, emotionally rock solid, unlimited aspirations, constantly ailing loins!, outlook to life is always positive because simply everyone believes when in this age "They Can be", if you want to be president "you can be", if you want to be a doctor "you can be", if you want to be married to the beautiful girl who lives nextdoor  "you can do" .... impossibility is secluded to a narrow space. possible, we can, yes, simple, it will come with time, etc....

Losing hope at this decade is like losing war before going to the battlefield, after this decade what you might end in life, and where you can reach is almost always obvious, in the 20s the limits are drawn and boundaries of ones dreams are laid.

Taking risks and having adventures are only possible in this decade, because you have the chance of 'coming back', you have time and energy to make a mistake your past. the most self changing decisions are made in this decade. A human is crafted at this decade.

20s are the spring of a lifetime, but bodily desires are the killer at this age. Albeit Satan will help generously (Physically) , its not because of his altruistic personality but he will exchange providing carnal needs by a one way ticket to the the eternal home of Satan in the afterlife. "What a price to pay for a physiological bodily function"  
At this decade,  there are many conflicting emotions, Some are hot in nature and others are warm, There is no place for cold emotions in its dictionary. It is the thermodynamic state between Hot and warm that makes a twentieth unstable physically and mentally.

Oh Allah! Save us from the Balwo.

The advent of "Balwo" Musical style was met with disdain by the contemporary religious and cultural figures of the time. one of th...