Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Home Sweet Home....

Once the plane landed in Berbera International (As they claim) airport, I rushed my way through the aisle to the door to breath the Somali air, Whilst at the door, I stood a while and had a distant gaze like that of a migrating bird. All what I saw was Abaar, No People or Xoolo in my view, contrary to what I have imagined in my extremely colorless mind.

I went inside the airport(Old soviet building) nothing was official, At that moment I knew I was home, There are laws and regulations, but I guess they only exist to impress Western donors and si lacag looga furto dadka aan waxa meeshaa ka socda garanayn. Anyway I got my entry
stamp and left the airport.

Although I was away only for 4 years, But the tarmac roads were unsafe and hellish, I could'nt believe that we used to brag about this 4 metres tarmac road-like built in the 80s by the late regime. The human is only what he sees, a breed of his environment.

While on the bus, full of Ahlu murqaan, I tried to withdrew clumsily like a defeated army in retreat, But They won't let a soul on the bus to just sit their and be a dead weight to bear, I was forced to join those murqaaned guys who actually just want to listen to their own philosophies , our conversations impatiently shifted from side to side but most importantly I tried to preach them about QAT and Smoking, they listened and resisted but by the time i tried to ask them questions, I discovered that they already moved on, taking refuge in unscientific generalizations (Dadkuu colaada ka hayaa, Waa quutul Awliyaa'a, Imisaa dad ku nool etcetera etcetera).

At the brightness of dawn and the light of the sun, We passed guban area, we reached a much better land, the trees retained their leaves and neecawda in dhawaanahan roob ku da'ay ayaad dareemaysay, dhirtuna waa magoolaysay, Reero jidka daafihiisa dagan ayay ishu qabanaysay, hadaan sii milicsaday waxaan dareemay in xoolohoodu ahaayeen qaar dhawaantan abaaro ka baxay oo ka soo doogaya, Eebe ayaa sidaan filayo dadkan ugu naxariistay bisha tan barakaysan, Waxa sida danabka maankayga jiidhay dadkii shaashadaha aan ka arki jiray, dhawaaqoogana aan ka maqli jiray idaacadaha ee ku dhibanaa Koonfurta soomalia, Nimankii baska saarnaa ayaan ka waraysatay, Ereyo Naxariisi ku dheehantahay ayay ku jawaabeen, They were very sympathetic with their brothers, I realized Somalis are not completely merciless, but just like a lion, their shells are strong and frightening but their hearts are warm and forgiving.

to be continued....

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Aniga iyo Maandeeq

♥♥Hashaan gaado weynow libaax uga gaboon waayey♥♥

♥♥Inaan gorayo cawl uga tagaa waa hal soo gudhay♥♥---Cabdilaahi Suldaan Timo-cadde

Hasha maalintaas Timo-cadde Gorayo-cawl inuu uga tago diidanaa, Maanta waxa looga dhaqaaqay ban daleel ah, oo Bisad sabaad ayaa eryata, Hashii barax bay qaaday, milica ayaa salooshay, Haamadayga bankaasina wixii biyo ku jirayba wuu ka saaray.
Hashii wax caano ah lagama filo, waa duq nus qarni taagan, 20 ka mid ah intaasi meel ay jaan iyo cidhib dhigtay lama oga, intii ka horaysayna iyadoo daranyo ah ayay meelahaasi sidii dawri aar kolba raas lagu sheegi jiray.
Waxa mucjiso ah in Maandeeq wali nooshahay, soo taagantahay, rajo uun wali qabto, oo leedahay , "Maruun baan, Maruun bay iyo way iman."
Ta wali su'aashu ka taagantahay waxa weeyi.
Maandeeq yaa iska leh?
Waagii hore waxay ahayd, INAGA, imika waxay tahay IYAGA, Hadhawna sidaan kuhaaminayo waxay noqon CIDNABA.

*Maandeeq i deeqdaye
Adigaa duriyadoo
Waligaa an daaline
Adigaan wixii dan ah
waligaa an diidine
Dadkani habaaska ah
Daranyada u yaala
Kaalay daweeeyoo
Ducfiga ka saaroo
Dunidaasi gaadhsii

*Maandeeq Dayaantay
Durdur aan iga fogayn
Dooxyo noo dhexeeyaan
Doc aanan garanayn
Dubaaxeed ka maqlay

*Sidii nin dardaranoo
Dalanbaabi haysto
Dacalkayga eegay
Dibtayda Fiirshay
Kana dayay hareeraha
deetana dayaamay
Maandeeq Maandeeq
Dunjigaa dareemee
Ereyada i deeqsii

*Ducaysane cadnaanaw
Daktooraw Dhagayso
Doodanaad wadaa waa
Mid hortaa la darsoo
Duqaydii horaytiyo
Nin-door ku daalaye
Dawadoo qayaxnoo
Duxdeedii sidataan
Doobi kuugu shubiye
Bal daji amuuraha.

Maandeeq curatayoo
20 dabshid hortood bay
Duunyada Korkeedan
Qaalin ku dihataye
Abshirskii dadkaygii!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Nationalism-ka somalida

Laxooxda "Canjeerada" "indho-badan" Ninba waa siduu u yaqaane, oo ah walaxda kaliya ee wali in Soomalidu wadaagto ee aan muran ka taagnayn, ayaa mukhtabar "laboratory" la geeyay si loo soo baadho, Waxa la soo ogaaday inay 20% ay tahay Wadaniyad ( Waayo Iron baa ka buuxda, Birtuna "Iron" waxay ka timaad carrada "Ciida" , Carraduna Dhulka soomaliyeed Bay ku xusuus galisaa) ma Xuma oo waxay muujinaysaa Dhul jacaylku inta uu leegyahay iyo wadaniyada xad dhaafka ahi xagay ka timid.
Baadhitaankaas waxa kale oo lagu ogaaday in 3% ay tahay protein , taasina waa ta jimidh yarida soomalida ku keentay. 7% waxay noqotay waa khamiiriye "Bikin" oo ah dulin yar oo lagu daro si ay horey ugu faxdo, isagan waa la kala ergistaa oo sida cadaatay waa "the same strain" dhamaantii taasina waxa lagu micneeyay intay tahay ta soomalida isku dayashada ku abuurtay.

20% waxay noqotay carbohydrate taas oo siisa soomalida tamarta ay ku socdaan ku shaqaystaan iyo waliba ku sheekaystaan.

50% soo hadhay ayaa culimadii baadhitaanka samaynaysay xayar galiyay, waxa ka soo baxay moolakiyuulka ah C28H14q , molekiyuulkan ayaa hore loogu xusay in uu kamiyaad intan ka yar looga heli jiray Carabtii hore "jaahiliyiintii" , Cawaanta afrikaanka ah qaarkood , cali baysteenka iyo aboriginska australia.


Saturday, May 21, 2011


Hooyadu waa durdur aan gudhin oo ay ka soo butaacdo naxariistu, waa isha dunida oo dhan ay uga soo burqato naf-huridu.
Waxa nasiib darro ah in Hadii aynu rag nahay kollaba aynanu ogaan kalgacalka hooyadeen inoo hayso xaddigu lahaa, waayo uur ma qaadno ma foolano mana naas nuujino, intaa kaba tage, badideen caruur maynaan xambaarin saxarana kamaynu dhaqin.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

When we become MEN......

The Wheel of life keeps turning, old men goes and new men emerge, same as the trees blooming flowers in summer and shedding leaves in winter. This is a must for life to go on. But as human nature is, we hold on to the things that were and wonder about the things to come.

Growing to become a “man” is process rather than an incident, in my childhood “Which I am nostalgic about” I always looked at manhood as a huge statue, that only needs physical growth to attain, I thought with size comes wisdom, wealth and strength. But now I am starting to realize that grownup me is just layers of life experience over my young me and physical appearance is nothing but a ticket to the stadium of manhood, but your life experiences are what makes what you are inside that stadium, the players being watched , the crowd or the guys in the VIP room.

With manhood comes many cons as pros, the most notable thing that every child should be told is to do mistakes while you are young, when we get old, mistakes are just like ugly scar in the face.

With manhood comes responsibility, it is the time we become caregivers rather than being cared for especially our parent. It is time we think of others other than ourselves.

In conclusion, Being a child then a man then an old timer is way of life, we may try to deny or resist but that is how it was and would be. Accepting is the only answer, if you cannot accept it just keep your feelings inside and try to look like you know what you are doing.

Monday, May 9, 2011

To Teach is to inspire..... not create despair

Through whole this year and Through 3 Different rotations (internal, surgery and peds) Today was the only day I was inspired , As I heard somewhere, "To stimulate life, leaving it then free to develop, to unfold,herein lies the first task of the teacher." and today I have witnessed the True embodiment of this statement, {{Thank you Doctor,}} Unfortunately this happened in the last week , I wish it happened earlier for that it was all what I needed.

But as they say it is better be late than never come, This tiny act didn't just made my day but it helped my subconscious to forget all those bitter memoirs of handful, relentless and harsh rotations. Some days those rotations were not about teaching, they were all about humiliating this naive young, knowledge seeking pupil, They were about breaking the candles inside me and my fellow classmates, rather than trying to lit them up the , Those God Forbid rotations were responsible for igniting our defense mechanisms rather than our offense mechanism, they trained us to switch off like a robot or hibernate like some animals do, they made us cheer and go with the flow, nodding our heads with acceptance although there was many inconsistencies .

Today's little incident restored my hope which almost was near being lost , it restored my faith in medicine and studying medicine, it refreshed my mind and was a real eye-opener. I believe it is for such moments life exists, indeed it is. For such moments I wake up from bed in the morning, study for exams and do anything related to medicine .....

It would be unfair not to mention the name of this wonderful Doctor, but it would be unfair also to take this moment from me, So I am keeping it to myself, for that when I read this in the future my mind will replay that moment....

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."......mother theresa...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Technology and Health

After few minutes of summing up courage to face the new millennium’s tyranny “Technology”, I have reached the conclusion that someone should stand up and say “Enough”. I will only confine my scope to impact of Technology on human health and well being.

Machines started to spread around the globe since 18th century, from simple ones like the levers to complicated ones like jet engines and Robotics, but all of them shared one thing, besides making human jobs easier and more efficient , they made our bodies weaker and fatter. 100 years ago, health’s main enemy was Infections; today it is cancer and cardiovascular diseases, in which both of them are mainly due to machines.

It would be fair to point out that Advances in technology made our old enemy “Infections” retreat to the bottom in the causes of mortality, but there are many pros as cons in having technology.

I would divide Technology’s impact on humans to two ways:-

Direct; as in Radiations causing Cancers.

Indirect; environmental pollution and Lung diseases.

Also since the emergence of internet and Televisions human contact has been decreased thus making social communication skill less developed then in our previous ancestors and making certain individuals prone to psychiatric disorders.

Obesity is a risk factor for Hypertension and atherosclerosis which are the main cause cardiovascular disease and strokes. Obesity is a result of metabolic syndrome which is the igniting event for this vicious cycle.

Needles to say Machines doing much of our work is a contemporary issue that all healthcare providers should advice their communities about, e.g if your school, university or work place is less than 2 km – 3 km , you don’t need to take a bus or a car , walk there, assembly lines are being introduced to industries each day, thus increasing the rate of unemployment which by itself causes indirectly health hazards, Try to avoid using calculators for simple mathematical equations since active brain may postpone or even prevent occurrence of several types of dementia et cetera.

In short “When ever you body is viable use it”

Advice to our fellow Engineers, scientists and Eng. students, Please spare our bodies and minds, Technology is good but weigh the outcome of actions.

Some Advices that may save you…

ü Mobile phones may cause various types of cancers; when ever you can put them away do it.

ü Sit at least sit 2 meters away from TV screens.

ü Avoid hanging around Electrical Base stations.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thanks Wikipedia..

"Those who don't thank people, Don't thank God" ~ Arabic proverb

Wikipedia has been around for the last decade, giving away knowledge to all those who could access the World wide web, enlightening our minds, taking darkness away, feeding our curiosity, unfolding the mysteries of this universe, and if there is another universes wikipedia would have written about it too, All that without a dime....

Since the days of the ancient Library of Alexandria, Humans have thought in ways to make all knowledge in one place thus to be accessible, in "All knowledge" I mean the unfolded ones, for that many things are still waiting to be discovered screaming at us, and if we stayed to live for another million years, we would realize that we don't know anything.

I am sure that wikipedia was started on good intentions, for that it flourished until we can see where it have reached today, 15 million articles, another proof is people are helping it grow by the second, one may argue that wikipedia is a flawed research tool, they are right but so be it because wikipedia helped us exchange knowledge, from north - south east-west, once we insert wikipedia address and click enter, we step into a whole different world, a room that all humans sit down and talk, Wikipedia is a new BABEL.

Personally I am wikipedia Addict, The adrenaline rush that I get from knowing that sometimes I surf wikipedia just for fun, which is actually my hunger to knowledge, wikipedia is the best brainstormer there is. That feeling is the only thing made me write this.

Not what we give,
But what we share,
For the gift
without the giver
Is bare.
~James Russell Lowell

Visit and contribute to Wikipedia Somali ~~~~~~~

Oh Allah! Save us from the Balwo.

The advent of "Balwo" Musical style was met with disdain by the contemporary religious and cultural figures of the time. one of th...